Safety Leadership for Executives and Directors
Giving safety equal weight with other business priorities is a basic strategy for safety and organisational excellence. In our experience, the integration of safety into general business operations, along with the leadership executives and boards significantly determines the success of the safety commitment.
Evidence from past safety and environmental disasters suggest too that decisions taken at senior levels in the organisation have an impact on strategic safety performance.
There are many examples of situations where the board and senior leadership espouse the vision and values, only to find that they are not being practiced within the organisation. Examples of misalignment of vision and values include Enron, and, more recently in Australia several large financial institutions have found practices within the business that are not consistent with their publicly stated corporate values.
Safety Culture Development works with Boards and Executive Leadership to ensure alignment of the board’s expectations with the business safety culture and culture more broadly.
This workshop is designed to help executive leadership and board members to:
Align company safety vision and operations.
Integrate safety with normal business operations
Understand the need to assess the safety implications of business decisions.
Understand the conditions and methods required for the implementation of a strong, effective and ongoing safety management effort within an organization
Ensure executives and directors understand the health and safety risks of the business and what is being done to minimise those risks
Satisfy themselves that operations are carried out with the same rigor as financial assessment and management is performed.
This workshop can be modularised and can also be run internally.
The workshop is interactive, with learning from both industry and participant experiences.
For more information
Contact Trevor Strother on +61400624595 or email